Saturday, January 28, 2023

Curs de Transhumanta Energetica a Generatiilor:

Curs de Transhumanta Energetica a Generatiilor

Course on Energetic Transhumance of Generations

(The english announcement is below)

             Fiecare generatie vine si lasa in urma mesajul si lectiile sale de viata. Le putem intelege mai bine, daca le organizam mai bine si le avem la indemana si intr-un cadru organizat si dedicat cum ar fii ideea unei Biblioteci a Vietii. Si in acest fel lectiile de viata vor realiza o adevarata transhumanta intre generatii, o trecere, o maturizare si o cristalizare a acestora. E foarte important ca fiecare sa spuna din experienta propriei vieti ce are de spus si generatiile urmatoare vor fi libere sa aleaga, dar sa aleaga in cunostiinta de cauza, auzind si versiunea directa, a generatiilor prezente si anterioare lor!

        In diferitele momente ale vietii noastre, si aici nu conteaza varsta, in care incepem sa constientizam ca nu vom trai infinit pe aceasta planeta, putem incepe si decide sa ne facem si un Plan de Viata: a) ce putem face de acum si pana in momentul trecerii dincolo, atat ca sa il amanam cat de mult tine de noi si cat putem, b) apoi cum putem sa ne pregatim momentul trecerii si c) ce hotaram noi sa lasam in urma noastra, ca memorii vii (poze, filmari din viata noastra, dar si mesaje si lectii de viata pentru ceilalti), atat pentru familia noastra cat si pentru intreaga comunitate. Ori toate acestea merita intelese si planificate din timp, chiar de catre noi insine si desfasurate intr-un cadru dedicat, cum este si acest curs si tot ce va creste din el.

            Scopul principal al acestui curs este ca tocmai aceste constientizari care pot apare in timpul derularii cursului, sa ne faca sa apreciem si sa folosim mai intens darul sanatatii si al timpului vietii noastre, clipa eternului prezent izvorata din eterna Iubirea a Divinului fata de noi, copii Sai.

            Cursul este constituit din 3 parti, fiecare dintre ele avand rolul lor bine definit si fiecare parte o sustine si o pregateste mai bine pe cealalta, putand fi desfasurate in paralel!     

Cele 3 etape:

A) Planul de Prelungirea a Vietii,

B) Planul pentru pregatirea viitotorului moment de trecere,

C) Planul pentru pastrarea memoriei noastre in Biblioteca Vietii.

            Etapa A) include elaborarea unui plan de prelungire si insanatosire a vietii noastre - atat cat putem acum, pe care il vom putea actualiza ori de cate ori dorim. E foarte important ca in elaborarea acestui plan sa fim deschisi la folosirea tuturor energiilor vietii si sa dezvoltam o intelegere si o practica atat mentala, cat si energetica, atat vibrationala, cat si spirituala, atat nutritiva, cat si sportiva, a capacitatilor noastre fizice, afective si spirituale. Printr-un dialog viu si folosind si din experienta altora si din descoperirile stiintei si ale spiritualitatii, putem sa ne mobilizam exemplar si sa ne imbunatim viata, atat cea personala, cat si cea de familie si sociala, in primul rand printr-o stare de sanatate si bucurie de a trai, printr-o intelegere si o actiune superioara asupra propriei vieti. Astfel vom incepe sa devenim constienti ca avem doar un singur corp si acum si la varsta de 100 de ani, si ca conteaza foarte mult ce poti face acum, ca si atunci, ca sa fii cat mai sanatos, pentru ca tot noi vom fi si atunci. Aceasta este un act de trezire, maturitate si asumare spirituala! Putem sa traim cat mai mult si mai sanatosi, mai echilibrati si mai armoniosi, ca sa ne putem intelege cat mai deplin misiunea vietii si minuna de misterele vietii si darui, plini de recunostiinta mai departe aceasta cunoastere proprie si unica, extrem de valoroasa si vie, pentru evolutia intregii umanitati! Pana acuma multe din aceste lectii de viata s-au pierdut sau au ramas doar in cadrul familei, insa de acuma exista o sansa in plus, ca ele sa ramana in eternitatea umanitatii si a constiintei colective!

            Ca parte practica vom putea folosi tehnici si exercitii anti aging - anti-imbatranire, de detox si purificare, de reintinerire fizica, de respiratie si meditatie, atat din yoga, cat si din diferite sporturi gen: fitness, pilates, inot, alergare usoara, calatorii in natura, etc., cat si abordari din Tao, Tantra, Ayurveda si Rasayana, abordari nutritionale, regenerative si intineritoare adaptate fiecaruia, astfel incat sa putem activa, echilibra si insanatosi toate Circuitele Vietii prin cele 12 Sisteme si 12 Organe si cele 7 Chakre din corpul nostru, intelegand astfel, Orarul Propriu de functionare a Vietii. Vom fi la curent cu descoperirile stiintei si ale planurilor: Blueprint, Lifespan si Anti Aging care se desfasoara in intreaga lume.

            Etapa B) include pregatirea noastra mai ales spirituala, dar si energetica pentru momentul trecerii - prin tehnici specifice, in care vom folosi de exemplu: energia luminii unei lumanari aprinse zilnic si trimise, inca din clipa de azi, pentru acel moment si dupa. Vom folosi invataturi din Tibet si din Bardo sau din America de Sud si Egipt, dar nu numai, care sa ne ajute sa intelegem mai bine momentul trecerii si continuarea vietii noastre spirituale.

            Etapa C) include pregatirea unui Jurnal de Viata atat scris, cat mai ales video, (inregistrat chiar cu proriul celular), in care sa: 1. ne povestim viata noastra, din momentul nasterii si pana in prezent (putand apoi sa il actualizam periodic), in care sa ne descriem atat faptic si cronologic viata noastra, cat mai ales si lectiile vietii noastre si ceea ce recomandam fiecare, urmasilor si societatii; 2. Pregatirea unui mesaj cheie, unic si concentrat - fie video, fie doar audio care sa ruleze in momentul trecerii noastre, atat pentru noi, cat si unul separat, pentru cei dragi. Si aici vom avea mai multe variante; 3. Pregatirea unui dvd sau mai multe, cu anumite poze, inregistrari video din viata noastra care sa fie lasate posteritatii in Biblioteca Vietii din comunitatea noastra si care sa poata fi consultate, parcurse de toti cei care doresc sa invete din bucuriile si lectiile noastre de viata unice si pretioase pentru eternitatea constiintei si a speciei umane. Acestea pot fi impartasite celorlalti si din timpul vietii, dar si dupa.

            Aceste Biblioteci Vii, impreuna cu Fondatorii, Pastratorii si Veghetorii lor, vor apare in scurt timp peste tot in lume, in fiecare localitate sau comunitate, pentru ca si in acest fel se vor pastra traditiile, intelepciunea Vietii Fiecarui Om, pentru generatiile urmatoare, peste sute si mii de ani. Acest curs, prin efectele sale profund trezitoare si transformationale face parte din genul de cursuri specifice vibratiei 5D, de terapie transgenerationala, dar si de transmutanta generationala, astfel ca trashumanta dintre generatii este amplificata intr-un sens armonizator, vindecator si inspirational.

            Cand trecem printr-un sat sau cimitir, mai putem afla cate o poveste de viata, a cate unui om sau  a unei case sau a unei familii, de la ceilalti... Dar cat sunt de anemice si fugitive aceaste descrieri pentru viata unui om...! In timp, vor apare aceste Biblioteci Vii in care se va stoca direct mesajul vostru, vibratia si povestea Vietii voastre, iar cine va dori o va putea intelege si impartasi direct de la voi insiva, in eternitate. Vom gasi cele mai bune formule de stocare in mai multe locuri si de sharing, atat online cat si offline, ca sa dainuiasca din om in om, mii de ani de acum incolo.

            Cei care doresc, in urma cursului sa devina membrii ai comunitatii Tranhumantei Generatiilor pot sa vina alaturi de noi si sa infiinteze local aceste Biblioteci Vii si sa devina Pastratori ai Mesajelor Vietii, ne pot contacta ca sa le expunem planul si etapele.

            Nu ne propunem prin acest curs sa interferam cu anumite practici religioase care exista deja, fiecare e liber sa ia ce doreste din acest curs. De asemenea sunt excluse orice stocari de poze si videoclipuri cu tenta violenta, sexuala, rasista sau care incalca legile bunului simt si ale legilor in vigoare. Ne rezervam dreptul sa ne alegem colaboratorii in urma unei discutii in prealabil. Cautam colaboratori in fiecare judet si localitate, dar si in alte tari.

            Ca si Organizare: vom lucra de fiecare data, pentru fiecare din cele 3 etape, atat cat este necesar. De aceea acest curs are durata de minim 3 luni, cate o luna dedicata fiecarei etape, dar unde e cazul se poate extinde sau continua si mai tarziu. Se va asigura un grup de suport calificat si o comunitate, impreuna cu o baza informationala si o biblioteca inspirationala si un accord de functionare interna. Cursul va incepe periodic, online, imediat ce se formeaza o mica grupa, dar se va lucra atat ca si grup, cat si individual 1 la 1.

             Pentru detalii si inscrieri puteti folosi:, sau la tel: 0724828949.


Va asteptam cu drag!


Course on Energetic Transhumance of Generations

             Each generation comes and leaves behind its message and life lessons. We can understand them better, if we organize them better and have them at hand and in an organized and dedicated framework such as the idea of a Library of Life. And in this way the lessons of life will achieve a real transhumance between generations, a crossing, a maturing and a crystallization of them. It is very important that each one says from their own life experience what they have to say and the next generations will be free to choose, but to choose in full knowledge of the facts, hearing also the direct version of the present and previous generations!

          At various points in our lives, and here it doesn't matter how old we are, when we begin to realise that we will not live forever on this planet, we can begin and decide to make a Life Plan: a) what we can do from now until the moment of the passage beyond, both to postpone it as much as it is up to us and as much as we can, b) then how we can prepare the moment of the passage and c) what we decide to leave behind us, as living memories (pictures, videos of our life, but also messages and life lessons for others), both for our family and for the whole community. Or all this deserves to be understood and planned in advance, even by ourselves and carried out in a dedicated setting, as is this course and all that will grow from it.

       The main purpose of this course is that precisely these awarenesses that may arise during the course, make us appreciate and use more intensely the gift of health and time of our lives, the moment of the eternal present springing from the eternal Love of the Divine towards us, His children.

           The course consists of 3 parts, each of them having their well-defined role and each part supports and prepares better the other, and can be run in parallel!            

The 3 stages:

A) Life Extension Plan,

B) The Plan for Preparing for the Moment of Passage,

C) The Plan for preserving our memory in the Library of Life.

            Stage A) includes the development of a plan for extending and healing our lives - as much as we can now, which we can update whenever we want. It is very important in developing this plan to be open to using all of life's energies and to develop an understanding and practice of both mental and energetic, both vibrational and spiritual, both nurturing and athletic, of our physical, emotional and spiritual capacities. Through a living dialogue and drawing on the experience of others and the discoveries of science and spirituality, we can mobilise ourselves in an exemplary way and improve our lives, both personal, family and social, primarily through a state of health and joy of living, through a higher understanding and action on our own lives. Thus we will begin to become aware that we have only one body now and at the age of 100, and that it matters a lot what you can do now, as then, to be as healthy as possible, because we will still be us then. This is an act of awakening, maturity and spiritual assumption! We can live longer and healthier, more balanced and harmonious, so that we can understand our life mission more fully and marvel at the mysteries of life and give, full of gratitude, this unique and extremely valuable and living knowledge to the evolution of all humanity! So far many of these life lessons have been lost or remained only within the family, but now there is one more chance that they will remain in the eternity of humanity and collective consciousness!

            As a practical part we will be able to use techniques and exercises for anti-aging - anti-aging, detox and purification, physical rejuvenation, breathing and meditation, both from yoga and from different sports such as fitness, pilates, swimming, light running, nature trips, etc.., as well as approaches from Tao, Tantra, Ayurveda and Rasayana, nutritional, regenerative and rejuvenating approaches adapted to each one of us, so that we can activate, balance and heal all the Circuits of Life through the 12 Systems and 12 Organs and the 7 Chakras of our body, thus understanding the proper functioning of Life. We will be up to date with the discoveries of science and the Blueprint, Lifespan and Anti Aging plans that are taking place around the world.

            Stage B) includes our preparation especially spiritual, but also energetic for the moment of passage - through specific techniques, in which we will use for example: the energy of the light of a candle lit daily and sent, from today, for that moment and after. We will use teachings from Tibet and the Bardo or from South America and Egypt, but not only, to help us better understand the moment of passage and the continuation of our spiritual life.

            Stage C) includes the preparation of a Life Diary, both written and video (recorded with our cell phone), in which we: 1. tell the story of our life, from the moment of birth to the present (and then update it periodically), describing both factually and chronologically our life, and especially the lessons of our life and what we recommend to each of our followers and to society; 2. Preparing a unique and focused key message - either video or just audio to run at the time of our passing, both for ourselves and a separate one for our loved ones. And here we will have several options; 3. Preparing a DVD or more, with certain pictures, video recordings of our life to be left to posterity in the Library of Life in our community and to be consulted, browsed by all who wish to learn from our unique and precious joys and lessons of life for the eternity of consciousness and of the human species. These can be shared with others in life and beyond.

            These Living Libraries, together with their Founders, Guardians and Guardians, will soon appear all over the world, in every locality or community, because in this way too the traditions, the wisdom of Everyman's Life, will be preserved for generations to come, hundreds and thousands of years from now. This course, through its profoundly awakening and transformational effects, is part of the kind of courses specific to the 5D vibration, of transgenerational therapy, but also of generational transmutation, so that the transhumance between generations is amplified in a harmonizing, healing and inspirational sense.

            When we pass through a village or a cemetery, we can still learn a life story, of a man or a house or a family, from others... But how anemic and fleeting are these descriptions of a man's life...! In time, these Living Libraries will appear in which your message, your vibration and your Life story will be stored directly, and whoever wants to can understand and share it directly from you, in eternity. We will find the best ways to store it in many places and share it, both online and offline, so that it will live on from human to human, thousands of years from now.

            Those who wish, after the course, to become members of the Transhumance of Generations community can join us and set up these Living Libraries locally and become Keepers of the Messages of Life, contact us to explain the plan and the steps.

            We do not intend through this course to interfere with certain religious practices that already exist, everyone is free to take what they want from this course. Also excluded are any storage of pictures and videos with violent, sexual, racist or violating the laws of common sense and laws in force. We reserve the right to choose our collaborators after prior discussion. We are looking for collaborators in every county and locality, but also in other countries.

            As for Organisation: we will work for each of the 3 stages as much as necessary. That is why this course has a minimum duration of 3 months, one month dedicated to each stage, but where necessary it can be extended or continued later. A qualified support group and community will be provided, together with an information base and inspirational library and an internal operating agreement. The course will start periodically, online, as soon as a small group is formed, but will work both as a group and individually 1 to 1.

             For details and registration please use:,, or tel: 0724828949.

 Best wishes!


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Curs de Transhumanta Energetica a Generatiilor:

Curs de Transhumanta Energetica a Generatiilor Course on Energetic Transhumance of Generations (The english announcement is below)   https:/...